
easy & delicious meals for everyone

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Michael Joseph 2019 Innbundet

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From simple suppers and family favourites, to weekend dishes for sharing with friends, this book is packed full of phenomenal food - pure and simple. Whether it's embracing a meat-free day or two each week, living a vegetarian lifestyle, or just wanting to try some brilliant new flavour combinations, this book ticks all the boxes. Super-tasty, brilliantly simple, but inventive veg dishes include: AMAZING VEGGIE CHILLI, comforting black rice, zingy crunchy salsa and chilli-rippled yoghurt BRILLIANT BHAJI BURGER, coriander yoghurt, mango chutney and crunchy poppadum sprinkle GREENS MAC 'N' CHEESE with leek, broccoli & spinach and a toasted almond topping VEGGIE PAD THAI, crispy fried eggs, special tamarind & tofu sauce and peanut sprinkle SUPER SPINACH PANCAKES with avocado, tomato and cottage cheese SUMMER TAGLIATELLE, basil & almond pesto, broken potatoes and delicate green veg With chapters on Soups & Sarnies, Brunch, Pies Parcels & Bakes, Curries & Stews, Salads, Burgers & Fritters, Pasta, Rice & Noodles, and Traybakes there's something tasty for every occasion. Sharing simple tips and tricks that will excite the taste buds, this book will give you the confidence to up your veg intake and widen your recipe repertoire, safe in the knowledge that it'll taste utterly delicious. It will also leave you feeling full, satisfied and happy - and not missing meat from your plate.


Forlag Michael Joseph

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780718187767

EAN 9780718187767

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

Utgave 1

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