Urban design & architecture

the 20th century

av (redaktør), Kunibert Wachten (redaktør), Andrew Brown (oversetter), Susan James (oversetter) og Katherine Taylor (oversetter).

H.F. Ullmann 2010 Innbundet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

Boka viser arkitekturens og byplanleggingens historie i noen av de største byene i verden i perioden 1850-1999. Blant arkitektene som presenteres er Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Renzo Piano og Tadao Ando.

Omtale fra forlaget

Urban Design and Architecture is a journey through the architectural events of the 20th century also offering an exciting documentation of the interrelation of people, time and architecture. There's something magical about some cities. They are artificial worlds that have nevertheless grown like organic entities over centuries. Here futuristic experimental buildings contrast with historical monuments, magnificent spectacle is found alongside minimalist elegance - and everywhere in between, people. Our major cities are condensed cultural histories that provide evidence of the changing rhythms of life of both the past and the present day. This richly illustrated compendium contains essays about styles, buildings, gardens and parks, along with itineraries through the cities that best showcase the architectural developments in urban planning of the past century. There are also short biographies of the most important architects who have shaped the 20th century with their creations.


Forlag H.F. Ullmann

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783833153181

EAN 9783833153181

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet 1800-tallet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 432

Utgave 1

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