Up in honey's room

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2008 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.00 (1 terningkast.)

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The odd thing about Walter Schoen, German born but now running a butcher shop in Detroit, he's a dead ringer for Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS and the Gestapo. They even share the same birthday. Walter is a member of a spy ring that sends US war production data to Germany and gives shelter to escaped German prisoners of war.Honey Deal, Walter's American wife, has given up trying to make him over as a regular guy. She decides it's time to stop telling him jokes he doesn't understand and get a divorce.Along comes Carl Webster, the Hot Kid of the Marshals Service. He's looking for Jurgen Schrenk, a former Afrika Korps officer who escaped from a POW camp in Oklahoma. Carl uses Honey to meet Walter, who Carl believes is hiding Jurgen. He also meets Vera Mezwa, the nifty Ukrainian head of the spy ring, who's better looking than Mata Hari, and her tricky lover Bohdan, with the Buster Brown haircut and a sly way of killing.Honey's a free spirit; she likes the hot kid marshal and doesn't care much that he's married. But all Carl wants is to get Jurgen without getting shot. And then there's Otto - the Waffen-SS major who runs away with a nice Jewish girl.

Omtale fra forlaget

The odd thing about Walter Schoen, German born but now running a butcher shop in Detroit, he's a dead ringer for Heinrich Himmler. Walter is a member of a spy ring that sends US war production data to Germany and gives shelter to escaped German prisoners of war. Honey Deal, Walter's American wife, has given up trying to make him over as a regular guy. She decides it's time to stop telling him jokes he doesn't understand and get a divorce. Along comes Carl Webster, the Hot Kid of the Marshals Service, looking for an escaped POW. Carl uses Honey to meet Walter, who Carl believes is hiding the POW. Honey's a free spirit; she likes the hot kid marshal and doesn't care much that he's married. But all Carl wants is to do his job without getting shot...


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780753824528

EAN 9780753824528

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Krimdialog i Detroit

En av Leonards siste romaner med handling lagt til fortiden: Detroit på slutten av av Andre verdenskrig. Som vanlig med Leonard fungererer dialogene som hovedpoenget, til tider helt absurde. Karakterene omfatter alle mulige stereotyper: SS-offiserer, Vestens marshaler, den kvinnelige spionen og den blonde heltinnen. (Lest 2013).

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