Unfree speech

the threat to global democracy and why we must act, now

av (forfatter) og Jason Y Ng (forfatter).

WH Allen 2020 Heftet

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An urgent manifesto for global democracy from the leading 23-year-old Hong Kong activist - Nobel Peace Prize nominee and TIME, Forbes and Fortune world leader.At what point do you stand up to power?When he was 14, Joshua Wong made history. While the adults stayed silent, Joshua staged the first ever student protest in Hong Kong to oppose National Education - and won.Since then, Joshua has led the Umbrella Movement, founded a political party, and rallied the international community around the anti-Extradition Bill protests, which have seen 2 million people - more than a quarter of the population - take to Hong Kong's streets. His actions have sparked worldwide attention, earned him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, and landed him in jail twice.Composed in three parts, Unfree Speech chronicles Joshua's path to activism, collects the letters he wrote as a political prisoner, and closes with a powerful and urgent call for all of us globally to defend our democratic values.When we stay silent, no one is safe. When we free our speech, our voice becomes one.


Forlag WH Allen

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780753554791

EAN 9780753554791

Språk Engelsk

Sider 176

Utgave 1

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