Understanding the digital in business

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Fagbokforlaget 2024 Heftet

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Understanding The Digital In Business provides the reader with a basic understanding of how digitalization interferes with business operations. Since the first edition of the book was published in Norwegian in 2013, the book has been read by many thousands of students and other readers.

This first English edition of the book corresponds with the fourth Norwegian edition of Understanding The Digital In Business. It has been significantly revised and updated over the years, both to incorporate recent technological developments and to make it work even better as a textbook.

A basic premise of the book is the realization that everything starts with data. The book has a chapter on understanding data early in the book, which lays the foundation for the rest of the material. A great deal of space is devoted to generative artificial intelligence (AI). New concepts, such as low/no code, NFT, proof-of-stake, etc., are explained and discussed.

The book is suitable for economics and social science studies, engineering and technology studies and for practitioners who want a better understanding of how digitalization intervenes in everyday work and how it supports a company's value creation.


Forlag Fagbokforlaget

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788245050943

EAN 9788245050943

Språk Engelsk

Sider 394

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