Twentieth-century housewives

meanings and implications of unpaid work

av (redaktør), Hege Roll-Hansen (redaktør) og Forum for samtidshistorie (utgiver).

Unipub forlag 2005 Heftet

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A collection of articles which analyses the practice and ideology of housework from different perspectives. The authors investigate how housework has been interpreted, both culturally, politically and economically in the last century. At the same time the articles look at the relationship between the public and the private, between individuals, family and gender, and between work, leisure and consumption. The book is based on papers presented at the conference Housework: Labour, Consumption, Agency in Norway, 2004.

Omtale fra forlaget

The era of the modern housewife definitely belongs to the past. Since the 1960s tremendous changes have occurred concerning the economic and social roles of married women. In retrospect the housewife era now appears to have been merely an interlude. Nevertheless, in its different forms, housework has been an occupation of most adult women during most of the twentieth century. Like the feminists of the 1960s and 1970s, the authors of this anthology are going into this most 'trivial' of all fields. Rather than investigating the social history of housework and housewives, the articles look at the conceptualisations of this work and its performers. The practice and ideology of housework are analysed from a range of scholarly perspectives. The authors include ethnologists, media scientists and sociologists as well as historians. Their main concern is to understand how housework has been interpreted, culturally and economically, as well as the political strategies implicit in these interpretations. The public discourse[HFB1] of unpaid domestic work offers a unique opportunity for investigating central dilemmas of the last century about the relations between the public and the private, between individuals and the family, between work, leisure and consumption, as well as between the genders.


Forlag Unipub forlag

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788274772120

EAN 9788274772120

Serie Issues in contemporary history

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet

Omtalt sted Europa

Språk Engelsk

Sider 343

Utgave 1

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