Tutankhamun and the golden age of the pharaohs

av (forfatter) og Kenneth Garrett (illustratør).

National Geographic 2005 Innbundet

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For the first time ever, come face to face with the ancient boy king Tutankhamun, who has fascinated and captivated us since his tomb was discovered more than 80 years ago. The astonishing forensic reconstruction featured here was made using groundbreaking CT-scan data of Tutankhamun's mummy. The data yields unprecedented new information about his life, his exact age, and the mystery of his death. The book offers a panoramic portrait of Egyptian culture at its zenith, trough dozens of photographs that bring a flourishing civilization's amazing wealth and astonishing workmanship to life.

Omtale fra forlaget

For the first time ever, come face to face with the ancient boy king Tutankhamun, who has fascinated and captivated us since his tomb was discovered more than 80 years ago. The astonishing forensic reconstruction featured here was made using groundbreaking CT-scan data of Tutankhamun's mummy. The data yields unprecedented new information about his life, his exact age, and the mystery of his death. The book offers a panoramic portrait of Egyptian culture at its zenith, trough dozens of photographs that bring a flourishing civilization's amazing wealth and astonishing workmanship to life.


Forlag National Geographic

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780792238737

EAN 9780792238737

Omtalt tid Oldtiden

Omtalt sted Egypt

Språk Engelsk

Sider 287

Utgave 1

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