Truths and fictions

a journey from documentary to digital photography

av (forfatter).

Voyager 1995 CD-rom

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In this CD-ROM the photographer Pedro Meyer turns his camera on the digital revolution itselv. He challenges the established notions about where photographic "truths" leave off and "fictions" begin. In the "Digital Studio" he reveals his compsitions and narrates his path to the finished work. The CD-ROM also includes the section "Correspondence"; a discussion forum, and Meyer's entire exhibit, displayed in the "Gallery", with critical commentary by Jonathan Green, director of the California Museum of photography. The CD-ROM is bilangual in English and Spanish.

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In this CD-ROM the photographer Pedro Meyer turns his camera on the digital revolution itselv. He challenges the established notions about where photographic "truths" leave off and "fictions" begin. In the "Digital Studio" he reveals his compsitions and narrates his path to the finished work. The CD-ROM also includes the section "Correspondence"; a discussion forum, and Meyer's entire exhibit, displayed in the "Gallery", with critical commentary by Jonathan Green, director of the California Museum of photography. The CD-ROM is bilangual in English and Spanish.


Parallell tittel Verdades y ficciones : un viaje de la fotografia documental a la digital

Forlag Voyager

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format CD-rom

ISBN13 9781559404549

EAN 9781559404549

Språk Flerspråklig

Utgave 1

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