Transnational narratives of migration and exile

perspectives from the humanities

av (redaktør) og Anje Müller Gjesdal (redaktør).

Scandinavian University Press 2021 Heftet

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The contributions to this volume examine the complexity of transnational narratives through analyses of language, aesthetics, and subjectivity as well as of the critical potential and ethical dimension of these narratives. The volume is interdisciplinary, featuring contributions from literary studies, linguistics, art history, semiotics, and film studies. In recent years, issues of migration and exile have increasingly come to public attention. Experiences of exile and migration are also increasingly being documented and represented in the form of literary and aesthetic expressions, such as texts, films, and visual art projects like installations and photographs. Such representations are interesting aesthetic documents in their own right, and they also offer an important perspective on the understanding of the transnational experience of migration and exile. These stories, or transnational narratives, favor a more nuanced perspective as well as new imaginaries of migration and exile that allow for the interrogation of contemporary discourses on these topics.


Forlag Scandinavian University Press

Utgivelsesår 2021

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788215042411

EAN 9788215042411

Språk Engelsk

Sider 190

Utgave 1

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