Toy train sets


av (forfatter).

Shire Publ. 2019 Heftet

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The train set was the ultimate toy of the 1950s and 1960s. The modelling and accessories could be a bit crude, but the imagination easily made up for what they lacked in detail. Electric train sets had been introduced just before the Second World War, and after a hiatus in production during the conflict, burst back onto the scene with great success, led by Hornby with its 00 gauge models. Train sets were available in other gauges and from other manufacturers--most notably Tri-Ang, who merged with Hornby in 1964--and the various box sets, locomotives, rolling stock, buildings, and accessories meant that everyone could form a bespoke layout to suit their budget. This beautifully illustrated introduction to the heyday of electric train sets tells their story from 1938 to 1975, when finer detailing and changing trends led to them being produced for adult model railway enthusiasts rather than children. But often, of course, these were the same people...


Forlag Shire Publ.

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781784423087

EAN 9781784423087

Språk Engelsk

Sider 64

Utgave 1

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