
the word of Yah

av (forfatter).

Kolofon 2011 Innbundet

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This book consists of articles formed as an open debate between persons, some fictitious and some with pseudonyms, of different opinions and attitudes. Some of the topics are: Torah as an eternal covenant "Brit Olam", and the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.

Omtale fra forlaget

The intention of the book is to show how the roots of our faith are found in the Tanakh of Israel and to defy the anti-Semitism that has followed the Church through its history. This may lead to a new understanding and a higher esteem of the people of Israel and its assignment today. It might also promote a realisation of the common destiny of the three Abrahamic religions. This book consists of articles knitted together in the form of an open debate between persons of different opinions and attitudes. Some are fictitious and some have pseudonyms. The book raises questions that we need to solve to prevent a war between the Sons of Abraham, which could cause total annihilation of life on our planet.


Forlag Kolofon

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788230008447

EAN 9788230008447

Språk Engelsk

Sider 247

Utgave 1

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