Tom Clancy's Oath of office

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Penguin Books 2019 Heftet

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The latest thriller in the Jack Ryan series, which has recently inspired an Amazon Prime adaptation. President Ryan must join the dots of a dark and elaborate conspiracy. On a crowded tourist beach in Portugal, US operatives use a high-tech drone to watch a French arms dealer flirt with a beautiful woman. But it's only when she leaves that they realise she has shot him dead. In Iran, protests are growing against the oppressive regime, whipped up by a charismatic student. Most external observers are excited, but on the ground a spy of questionable loyalty senses something is badly amiss. Meanwhile, with the United States reeling from a string of natural disasters, Russian troops and ships are massing on the borders of the Ukraine, bringing the two powers ever closer to war. Across the globe a conspiracy is brewing, so darkly brilliant that no-one has yet joined the dots. And the distracted President Ryan doesn't have much time to play catch-up. Little does he know that he faces a madman with a plan more devastating than he could possibly imagine ...


Forlag Penguin Books

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781405935470

EAN 9781405935470

Serie Jack Ryan

Genre Agenter og spioner Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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