There's no such thing as business ethics

there's only one rule for making decisions

av (forfatter).

Warner Books 2003 Innbundet

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Maxwell asserts there's one ethical standard for all behavior. And you might be surprised by what it's based on. Did you know that a variation of the Golden Rule exists in every major religion? In this book, Maxwell shows how people can live with integrity by using the Golden Rule as their standard, regardless of religion, culture, or circumstances. Along the way, he delves into the desires of the human heart, reveals the five most common causes that get people off track ethically, and teaches how to develop the Midas touch when it comes to integrity.

Omtale fra forlaget

Maxwell asserts there's one ethical standard for all behavior. And you might be surprised by what it's based on. Did you know that a variation of the Golden Rule exists in every major religion? In this book, Maxwell shows how people can live with integrity by using the Golden Rule as their standard, regardless of religion, culture, or circumstances. Along the way, he delves into the desires of the human heart, reveals the five most common causes that get people off track ethically, and teaches how to develop the Midas touch when it comes to integrity.


Forlag Warner Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780446532297

EAN 9780446532297

Språk Engelsk

Sider 142

Utgave 1

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