There are places in the world where rules are less important than kindness

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Allen Lane 2020 Innbundet

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One of the most inspiring and counter-intuitive thinkers of our age, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, transforms the way we think about the world with his reflections on science, history and humanityIn this collection of writings, the logbook of an intelligence always on the move, Carlo Rovelli follows his curiosity and invites us on a voyage through science, history, philosophy and politics. Written with his usual clarity and wit, these pieces range widely across time and space: from Newton's alchemy to Einstein's mistakes, from Nabokov's butterflies to Dante's cosmology, from travels in Africa to the consciousness of an octopus, from mind-altering psychedelic substances to the meaning of atheism. Charming, pithy and elegant, this book is the perfect gateway to the universe of one of the most influential scientists of our age.


Forlag Allen Lane

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780241454688

EAN 9780241454688

Språk Engelsk

Sider 240

Utgave 1

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