
a love story

av (forfatter).

Faber & Faber 2006 Heftet

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Told by the twin voices of the artist Butcher Bones, and his 'damaged two hundred and twenty pound brother' Hugh, the novel recounts their adventures and troubles after Butcher's plummeting prices and spiralling drink problem force them to retreat to northern New South Wales. Here the formerly famous artist is reduced to being a caretaker for his biggest collector, and the nurse for his erratic brother. Then the mysterious Marlene turns up one stormy night, clad in a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Claiming that the brothers' friend and neighbour owns an original Jacques Liebovitz, she soon sets in motion a chain of events that could be the making or ruin of them all.

Omtale fra forlaget

Told by the twin voices of the artist Butcher Bones, and his 'damaged two hundred and twenty pound brother' Hugh, the novel recounts their adventures and troubles after Butcher's plummeting prices and spiralling drink problem force them to retreat to northern New South Wales. Here the formerly famous artist is reduced to being a caretaker for his biggest collector, and the nurse for his erratic brother. Then the mysterious Marlene turns up one stormy night, clad in a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Claiming that the brothers' friend and neighbour owns an original Jacques Liebovitz, she soon sets in motion a chain of events that could be the making or ruin of them all.


Forlag Faber & Faber

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780571231485

EAN 9780571231485

Omtalt sted Australia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 269

Utgave 1

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