The Yemen Connection (An MP-5 CIA Thriller)

av (forfatter) og Shelley Holloway (editor).

Salt Castle Publications 2010 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Salt Castle Publications

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 310

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A very wealthy Yemen businessman is in a bind: his adult son has been arrested in Saudi Arabia for drug trafficking – an offense that could lead to a life sentence.

A Yemeni terrorist has a bold plan that will make 9/11 look like child’s play, killing thousands of Americans tourists in one fell swoop. But he has a problem. The plan costs money. A lot of money. And his financier has just been arrested.

M.H. Sargent’s MP-5 CIA team wants to know what that plan is, and stop it. So, they have a simple solution: blackmail the businessman. If he poses as a jihadist sympathizer willing to fund the terrorist, thereby giving the CIA team details of the terror plot, his son receives a get-out-of-jail free card.

Of course, you know what happens with the best laid plans...

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