The world's worst pets

av (forfatter) og Adam Stower (illustratør).

HarperCollins Children's Books 2022 Heftet

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Millions of readers have loved The World's Worst Children, The World's Worst Teachers and The World's Worst Parents - now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower.

These ten tales of the world's craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You'll never look at pets in the same way again!

Marvel at Houdini, the magician's rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It's Furp, the monstrous goldfish!

Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp - these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around.

David Walliams was most recently Children's #1 bestseller for six weeks with Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (TCM chart: from 20 Nov 2021)


Forlag HarperCollins Children's Books

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780008499778

EAN 9780008499778

Serie The world's worst

Genre Humor

Språk Engelsk

Sider 312

Utgave 1

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