The wild fire

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Time Warner books 2006 Heftet

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A group of Vietnam Vets who still keep in touch: the Custer Hill Club. They are prepared to attack foreign countries if America is attacked and their current rule is that if an Islamic country attacks America, then all Islamic countries will be nuked - thus deterring Korea, China or other countries having similar ideas against the US. The Custer Hill Club gets more ambitious and aggressive. The men decide to choose an American city to attack themselves, pretending it is an Islamic terrorist attack (either San Francisco or LA, the reader won't know) in order for them to be able to nuke Mecca, the Aswan Dam and many other places. America will rule the world!

Omtale fra forlaget

A group of Vietnam Vets who still keep in touch: the Custer Hill Club. They are prepared to attack foreign countries if America is attacked and their current rule is that if an Islamic country attacks America, then all Islamic countries will be nuked - thus deterring Korea, China or other countries having similar ideas against the US. The Custer Hill Club gets more ambitious and aggressive. The men decide to choose an American city to attack themselves, pretending it is an Islamic terrorist attack (either San Francisco or LA, the reader won't know) in order for them to be able to nuke Mecca, the Aswan Dam and many other places. America will rule the world!


Forlag Time Warner books

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780316858526

EAN 9780316858526

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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