The whole equation

a history of Hollywood

av (forfatter).

Abacus 2006 Heftet

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The author sees Hollywood as an idea, a trick, a religion even that has swept the world. The book reveals what the bosses did, and why and how, but also feels the impact on the mass audiences. The author describes the grand panorama and shows how it fits together, from Bogart and the Marx Brothers to Daryl Zanuck. The business is the neglected aspect of the story about Hollywood, and the author maintains that amid all the hype and pretension, we should always follow the money. Includes index.

Omtale fra forlaget

The author sees Hollywood as an idea, a trick, a religion even that has swept the world. The book reveals what the bosses did, and why and how, but also feels the impact on the mass audiences. The author describes the grand panorama and shows how it fits together, from Bogart and the Marx Brothers to Daryl Zanuck. The business is the neglected aspect of the story about Hollywood, and the author maintains that amid all the hype and pretension, we should always follow the money. Includes index.


Forlag Abacus

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780349117690

EAN 9780349117690

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet

Omtalt sted Los Angeles

Språk Engelsk

Sider 433

Utgave 1

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