The well and the mine

av (forfatter).

Virago 2011 Heftet

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The gripping debut novel from the author of FIERCE KINGDOM, and a story about the power of the human spirit to give comfort in times of hardship.In 1931 Carbon Hill, a small Alabama coal-mining town, nine-year-old Tess Moore watches from the darkness of her back porch as a strange woman lifts the cover off the family well and tosses a baby in without a word.It is the height of the Depression; while Tess's father, Albert, performs backbreaking and dangerous work at the mine, her mother, Leta, makes do without meat on her table. But the family are luckier than most; the food they can grow on their plot of land has so far saved them from the crippling poverty and near-starvation that besets their neighbours. As Tess tries to unravel the mystery of the woman at the well, a portrait emerges of a family and a community struggling to survive the darkest of times. Resonant, vivid and clear-eyed in its portrayal of both the best and the worst of human nature, The Well and the Mine is a stunning novel about love, hope and the importance of doing the right thing.


Forlag Virago

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781844087853

EAN 9781844087853

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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