The way forward is with a broken heart

av (forfatter).

Random House 2000 Innbundet

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Boka, som delvis er biografisk og delvis diktning, inneholder ulike kvinners historier om forhold til ektemannen, venner, elskere av begge kjønn, og familiemedlemmer på tvers av generasjonene.

Omtale fra forlaget

"These are the stories that came to me to be told after the close of a magical marriage to an extraordinary man that ended in a less-than-magical divorce. I found myself unmoored, unmated, ungrounded in a way that challenged everything I'd ever though about human relationships. Situated squarely in that terrifying paradise called freedom, precipitously out on so many emotional limbs, it was as if I had been born; and in fact I was being reborn as the woman I was to become."
So says Pulizer Prize-winning author Alice Walker about her beautiful new book, in which "one of the best American writers today" (The Washington Post) gives us superb stories based on rich truths from her own experience. Imbued with Walker's wise philosophy and understanding of people, the spirit, sex and love, The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart begins with a lyrical, autobiographical story of a marriage set in the violent and volatile Deep South during the early years of the civil rights movement. Walker goes on to imagine stories that grew out of the life following that marriage - a life, she writes, that was "marked by deep sea-canges and transitions." These provocative stories showcase Walker's hard-won knowledge of love of many kinds and of the relationships that shape our lives, as well as her infectious sense of humor and joy. Filled with wonder at the power of the life force and of the capacity of human beings to move through love and loss and healing to love again, The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart is an enriching, passionate book by "a lavishly gifted writer" (The New York Times Book Review".


Forlag Random House

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780679455875

EAN 9780679455875

Omtalt sted USA

Språk Engelsk

Sider 200

Utgave 1

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