The Victorian underworld

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John Murray 2003 Heftet

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Through the eyes of its inhabitants, Donald Thomas portrays the 19th-century underworld. A world of night houses and cigar divans, of street people and entertainers. This underworld was sheltered by an underclass, united by a hatred of the police. In its rookeries and paddingkens, gin shops and taverns hard by the fashionable West End, thrived thieves and beggars, cheats, forgers and pickpockets, preying on rich and poor alike.

Omtale fra forlaget

Through the eyes of its inhabitants, Donald Thomas portrays the 19th-century underworld. A world of night houses and cigar divans, of street people and entertainers. This underworld was sheltered by an underclass, united by a hatred of the police. In its rookeries and paddingkens, gin shops and taverns hard by the fashionable West End, thrived thieves and beggars, cheats, forgers and pickpockets, preying on rich and poor alike.


Forlag John Murray

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780719563423

EAN 9780719563423

Omtalt tid 1800-tallet

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 346

Utgave 1

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