The ugly sister

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2011 Heftet

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Jane Fallon, bestselling author of Getting Rid of Matthew, returns with The Ugly Sister.When it comes to genes life's a lottery . . .As Abi would the first to know. She has spent her life in the shadow of her stunningly beautiful, glamorous older sister Cleo.Headhunted as model when she was sixteen, Cleo has been all but lost to Abi for the last twenty years, with only a fleeting visit or brief email to connect them. So when Abi is invited to spend the summer in Cleo's large London home with her sister's perfect family, she can't bring herself to say no. Despite serious misgivings. Maybe Cleo is finally as keen as Abi to regain the closeness they shared in their youth?But Abi is in for a shock. Soon she is left caring for her two young, bored and very spoilt nieces and handsome, unhappy brother-in-law - while Cleo plainly has other things on her mind. As Abi moves into her sister's life, a cuckoo in the nest, she wrestles with uncomfortable feelings.Could having beauty, wealth and fame lead to more unhappiness than not having them? Who in the family really is the ugly sister?The bestselling author of R&J selection Getting Rid of Matthew returns with a tale of two sistersPraise for Jane Fallon:'Intelligent, edgy and witty' Glamour'Smart, sassy and dark' HeatJane Fallon is the multi-award-winning television producer behind shows such as This Life, Teachers and 20 Things to Do before You're 30. Her previous novels are Getting Rid of Matthew, Foursome and Got You Back.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141047256

EAN 9780141047256

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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