The third translation

av (forfatter).

Hyperion 2005 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

Walter Rothschild is an American Egyptologist living in London and charged by the British Museum with the task of unlocking the riddle of the Stella of Paser, a centuries-old funerary stone. In the final hours of his quest, with six days left before his contract is up with the British Museum, Walter meets a young woman who expresses an interest in his work. He invites her back to the museum; the next morning she bids him a speedy farewell and secretly makes off with a precious antiquity. When Walter discovers the theft, it becomes clear that outside forces have designs on his research, and his entire career is on the line.

Omtale fra forlaget

Walter Rothschild is an American Egyptologist living in London and charged by the British Museum with the task of unlocking the riddle of the Stella of Paser, a centuries-old funerary stone. In the final hours of his quest, with six days left before his contract is up with the British Museum, Walter meets a young woman who expresses an interest in his work. He invites her back to the museum; the next morning she bids him a speedy farewell and secretly makes off with a precious antiquity. When Walter discovers the theft, it becomes clear that outside forces have designs on his research, and his entire career is on the line.


Forlag Hyperion

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781401302238

EAN 9781401302238

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Sider 378

Utgave 1

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