The third reich in power, 1933-1939

how the nazis won over the hearts and minds of a nation

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Penguin 2006 Heftet

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Before Hitler seized power in 1933 Germany had been famous for its sophistication and complexity. So how was it possible for a group of ideological obsessives to re-mould it into a one-party state directed at war and race hate? How did the nazis win over the hearts and minds of Germany's citizens, twist science, religion and culture, and transform the country's politics to achieve total dominance so quickly? From the Nuremberg Laws to the Olympic Games, Kristallnacht to the Hitler Youth, this account shows how a whole population became enmeshed in a dictatorship that was consumed by hatred and driven by war. Has bibliography and index.

Omtale fra forlaget

Before Hitler seized power in 1933 Germany had been famous for its sophistication and complexity. So how was it possible for a group of ideological obsessives to re-mould it into a one-party state directed at war and race hate? How did the nazis win over the hearts and minds of Germany's citizens, twist science, religion and culture, and transform the country's politics to achieve total dominance so quickly? From the Nuremberg Laws to the Olympic Games, Kristallnacht to the Hitler Youth, this account shows how a whole population became enmeshed in a dictatorship that was consumed by hatred and driven by war. Has bibliography and index.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141009766

EAN 9780141009766

Omtalt tid 1918-1939

Omtalt sted Tyskland

Språk Bokmål

Utgave 1

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