The terminal man

av (forfatter) og Andrew Donkin (forfatter).

Corgi Books 2004 Heftet

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This is the extraordinary story of Mehran Karimi Nasseria, better known as Sir Alfred of Charles de Gaulle Airport. He has spent the last 15 years living and sleeping inside the airport's Terminal One building, trapped in international no-man's land without the proper documentation needed to move on. Sir Alfred was born in Iran in 1945. When he was twenty his father died and he received an even greater shock when the woman he regarded as his mother told him he wasn't her son, but the result of a union between his father and a British nurse. A deal was agreed for Sir Alfred to disappear overseas to England and his family would pay for his studies. After a year at university, his family broke all contact and he returned to Iran where he was imprisoned for his political activism, was arrested and tortured. He was then expelled from Iran with a passport valid for just one year. He was mugged on his way to Charles de Gaulle airport in 1988 and lost all his documents. He boarded a plane to London but without the appropriate documentation was sent straight back to Paris. On trying to leave the airport he was arrested and sentenced as an illegal immigrant, and served six months in jail. Upon his release, he returned to Charles de Gaulle and was refused permission to enter any other country. Fearing arrest if he left the terminal building but unable to board a flight, he was trapped there for years.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is the extraordinary story of Mehran Karimi Nasseria, better known as Sir Alfred of Charles de Gaulle Airport. He has spent the last 15 years living and sleeping inside the airport's Terminal One building, trapped in international no-man's land without the proper documentation needed to move on. Sir Alfred was born in Iran in 1945. When he was twenty his father died and he received an even greater shock when the woman he regarded as his mother told him he wasn't her son, but the result of a union between his father and a British nurse. A deal was agreed for Sir Alfred to disappear overseas to England and his family would pay for his studies. After a year at university, his family broke all contact and he returned to Iran where he was imprisoned for his political activism, was arrested and tortured. He was then expelled from Iran with a passport valid for just one year. He was mugged on his way to Charles de Gaulle airport in 1988 and lost all his documents. He boarded a plane to London but without the appropriate documentation was sent straight back to Paris. On trying to leave the airport he was arrested and sentenced as an illegal immigrant, and served six months in jail. Upon his release, he returned to Charles de Gaulle and was refused permission to enter any other country. Fearing arrest if he left the terminal building but unable to board a flight, he was trapped there for years.


Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552152747

EAN 9780552152747

Omtalt sted Frankrike

Omtalt person Alfred Mehran

Språk Engelsk

Sider 253

Utgave 1

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