The telling

av (forfatter).

Gollancz 2002 Heftet

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There have been 80 requests to send an observer into the hinterlands of the planet Aka to study the natives. When the 81st request is granted, Observer Sutty is sent upriver to Okzat-Ozkat, a city in the foothills of Rangma, to talk to the remnants in hiding of a cult practising a banned religion.

Omtale fra forlaget

There have been 80 requests to send an observer into the hinterlands of the planet Aka to study the natives. When the 81st request is granted, Observer Sutty is sent upriver to Okzat-Ozkat, a city in the foothills of Rangma, to talk to the remnants in hiding of a cult practising a banned religion.


Forlag Gollancz

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781857983326

EAN 9781857983326

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Sider 264

Utgave 1

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Belief is the wound that knowledgw heals.

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"I know who you are," she Said. "You're my enemy. The true believer. The righteous man with the righteous mission. The one that jails people for reading and burns the books. That persecutes people who do exercises the wrong way. That dumps out the medicine and pisses on it. That pushes the button that sends the drones to drop the bombs. And hides behind a bunker and doesn't get hurt. Shielded by God. Or the state. Or whatever lie he uses to hide his envy and self-interest and cowardice and lust for power. It took me a while to see you, though. You saw me right away. You knew I was your enemy. Was unrighteous. How did you know it?

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