The symbolist prints of Edvard Munch

av (forfatter), Michael Parke-Taylor (forfatter) og Peter Schjeldahl (medforfatter).

Art Gallery of Ontario og Yale University Press 1996 Innbundet

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Edvard Munch is famous for his prints, particularly "The Scream" and "Madonna". This work considers Munch's graphic work through the lens of a private collection, The Vivian and David Campbell collection, which includes impressions of virtually all of his major prints, along with alternative versions and early states. With glossary, bibliography and index.

Omtale fra forlaget

Edvard Munch is famous for his prints, particularly "The Scream" and "Madonna". This work considers Munch's graphic work through the lens of a private collection, The Vivian and David Campbell collection, which includes impressions of virtually all of his major prints, along with alternative versions and early states. With glossary, bibliography and index.


Forlag Art Gallery of Ontario Yale University Press

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780300069525

EAN 9780300069525

Omtalt person Edvard Munch

Språk Engelsk

Sider 242

Utgave 1

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