The Svalbard treaty

from Terra Nullius to Norwegian sovereignty

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Universitetsforlaget 1995 Innbundet

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Norway was granted sovereignity over Svalbard in 1920, however with far-reaching restrictions. This book offers a comprehensive examination of the Svalbard Treaty, emphasizing four aspects: the character of Norwegian sovereignity, the scope and nature of the requirement of non-discrimination, the prohibition of military use of the arcipelago, and the application of the Svalbard Treaty and the Mining Code in the maritime areas around Svalbard. Contains a bibliography and an index.

Omtale fra forlaget

Norway was granted sovereignity over Svalbard in 1920, however with far-reaching restrictions. This book offers a comprehensive examination of the Svalbard Treaty, emphasizing four aspects: the character of Norwegian sovereignity, the scope and nature of the requirement of non-discrimination, the prohibition of military use of the arcipelago, and the application of the Svalbard Treaty and the Mining Code in the maritime areas around Svalbard. Contains a bibliography and an index.


Forlag Universitetsforlaget

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788200227137

EAN 9788200227137

Omtalt sted Svalbard

Språk Engelsk

Sider 572

Utgave 1

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