The surgeon

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Bantam Books 2002 Heftet

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In Boston there's a killer who targets lone women, who breaks into their apartments and performs terrifying ritualistic acts of torture on his victims before finishing them off. His surgical skills lead police to suspect he is an physician. But as homicide detective Thomas Moore and his partner Jane Rizzoli begin investigation, they make a startling discovery. Closely linked to this killings is Catherine Cordell, a beautiful medic with a mysterious past. Two years ago she was subjected to a horrifying rape and attempted murder but shot her attacker dead. Now she is being targeted by this new killer who appears to know all about her past, her work and where she lives. The man she believes she killed seems to be stalking her once again. This is the first Jane Rizzoli-novel.

Omtale fra forlaget

In Boston there's a killer who targets lone women, who breaks into their apartments and performs terrifying ritualistic acts of torture on his victims before finishing them off. His surgical skills lead police to suspect he is an physician. But as homicide detective Thomas Moore and his partner Jane Rizzoli begin investigation, they make a startling discovery. Closely linked to this killings is Catherine Cordell, a beautiful medic with a mysterious past. Two years ago she was subjected to a horrifying rape and attempted murder but shot her attacker dead. Now she is being targeted by this new killer who appears to know all about her past, her work and where she lives. The man she believes she killed seems to be stalking her once again. This is the first Jane Rizzoli-novel.


Forlag Bantam Books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780553814293

EAN 9780553814293

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim Thrillere

Omtalt sted Boston

Språk Engelsk

Sider 415

Utgave 1

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