The stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro

and other stories

av (forfatter).

Hamish Hamilton 2003 Heftet

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A novella which tells the story of a love affair between a young man and an older woman. He, the narrator, is a twenty-one-year-old American art student travelling the world. She is a countess - apparently cold, haughty and inaccessible. And with her is the doctor, Haroun, her gay travelling companion. When he makes their acquaintance at the Palazzo d'Oro, the narrator finds himself filled with unexpected lust and playing a part in something he doesn't quite understand. Finally, aged 60, he returns to Taormina to tell his story. Echoing the ambiguities of risk and remembered sexuality, the accompanying tales enlarge upon these themes of age and pursuit - the sexual awakening and rites of passage in an American boyhood, the mirror of a writer in Africa at a moment of crisis, and a man in Hawaii bewitched by dishevelled nymphs.

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A novella which tells the story of a love affair between a young man and an older woman. He, the narrator, is a twenty-one-year-old American art student travelling the world. She is a countess - apparently cold, haughty and inaccessible. And with her is the doctor, Haroun, her gay travelling companion. When he makes their acquaintance at the Palazzo d'Oro, the narrator finds himself filled with unexpected lust and playing a part in something he doesn't quite understand. Finally, aged 60, he returns to Taormina to tell his story. Echoing the ambiguities of risk and remembered sexuality, the accompanying tales enlarge upon these themes of age and pursuit - the sexual awakening and rites of passage in an American boyhood, the mirror of a writer in Africa at a moment of crisis, and a man in Hawaii bewitched by dishevelled nymphs.


Forlag Hamish Hamilton

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780241142271

EAN 9780241142271

Omtalt sted Italia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 246

Utgave 1

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