The state in the modernization process

the case of Norway 1850-1970

av (forfatter).

Ad Notam Gyldendal 1994 Heftet

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This study is a contribution to a "critique" of political science. It attempts to relate political phenomena as they are defined within social science disciplines to some of the economic processes in society. Through that confrontation, it attempts to question, or test the validity of central common concepts describing the Norwegian state, historically and today. With a name index and a subject index.

Omtale fra forlaget

This study is a contribution to a "critique" of political science. It attempts to relate political phenomena as they are defined within social science disciplines to some of the economic processes in society. Through that confrontation, it attempts to question, or test the validity of central common concepts describing the Norwegian state, historically and today. With a name index and a subject index.


Forlag Ad Notam Gyldendal

Utgivelsesår 1994

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788241703539

EAN 9788241703539

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet 1800-tallet

Omtalt sted Norge

Språk Bokmål

Sider 415

Utgave 1

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