The spiritual secrets of the equinoxes light work towards 2012

unconditional love, pearls for the soul, spiritual mastery

av (forfatter) og Marianne Scheel (medforfatter).

Coach Imagine 2007 Heftet

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In this book of revelations received from ascended master Alton Kamadon during 2006, you will find pearls for the soul. He was the Ascended Master Thoth's early co-creater of the Melchizedek method until 2003. Ascension is the uplifting of spirits of human being who are ready to ascend to higher realms of God's creation.

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This is the book for light workers all over the globe who feel dedicated to help in the process of ascension. Ascension is the uplifting of spirits of human beings who are ready to ascend to higher realms of God's creation. Also Gaia, the Earth, is meant to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. This is a parallel process that actually is taking place right now. In this book of revelations received from Ascended Master Alton Kamadon during the year 2006 you will find superb pearls for the soul. He was the Ascended Master Thoth's earthly co-creator of The Melchizedek Method until 2003, when he left the earthly plane. He was a guest speaker at the United Nations where he gave a speech on unconditional love. The information in this book is channelled and written down by Marianne Scheel in Norway. The book gives great insights regarding how to live one's life at this precious time in history to be able to be a part of the shift that is happening in a pleasant way. The book offers insight regarding the "New Energy" coming in and the impact of the equinoxes. There are several new meditations included in the pages. Alton Kamadon states that the light coming in is the key for opening your potential within your DNA structure. And furthermore, it is up to each person to decode the light, the frequencies coming in. There is information in the infusion. Alton Kamadon in spirit advises to open one's heart and one will receive the energy, the information, and the light that will contribute to one's evolution on all levels; body, mind and spirit. He states that you will be able to open your heart and raise your frequency of love if you follow the instructions in this book. Chapter four offers an initiation for those who feel ready. The book contains 227 pages of spiritual wisdom from above. Alton Kamadon in spirit invites all the Children of Light on planet Earth with the following words: "You are at the frontier of consciousness, awakening the Adam Kadmon Light Body, infused with the frequency of unconditional love, on becoming a Master of Light. Please join in....... all the Children of Light on planet Earth!"


Forlag Coach Imagine

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788299714945

EAN 9788299714945

Språk Engelsk

Sider 227

Utgave 1

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