The sleeping army

av (forfatter).

2011 Innbundet

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One of the bestselling children's authors in the world, the creator of the "Horrid Henry series", launches an exciting new novel for children aged 8+. Freya is an ordinary girl living in modern Britain, but with a twist: people still worship the Viking gods. She's caught in her parents' divorce, and shuttling between bickering adults is no fun. One evening, stuck with her dad on his night shift at the British Museum, she is drawn to the Lewis Chessmen and Heimdall's Horn. Unable to resist, she blows the horn, waking three chess pieces from their enchantment; the slaves Roskva and Alfi, and Snot the Berserk. They are all summoned to Asgard, land of the Viking gods, and told they must go on a perilous journey to restore the gods to youth. If Freya refuses she will be turned into an ivory chess piece but, if she accepts her destiny and fails, the same terrible fate awaits her.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781846682780

EAN 9781846682780

Genre Spenning

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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