The silver age of DC comics

Taschen 2013 Innbundet

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With super heroes nearly extinct at the start of the 1950s, DC Comics reignited the fire that would make them central to modern popular culture by infusing them with science fiction elements. To circumvent the limitations of the self-censoring Comics Code Authority, DC's writers and editors spun ever-more fantastic tales, bringing super heroes and Bob Hope alike into the realm of sci-fi. "DC Comics: The Silver Age" chronicles the transformation, with comics' first-ever "reboot" of Golden Age greats the Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkman; as well as the increasingly wacky shenanigans of Batman, who was transformed into the reluctant spokesman for the camp sensibility of the '60s with a hit TV series that immortalized the "Dark Knight" as a pop culture icon for generations to come. Plus a new exclusive interview with Deadman/Green Lantern/Batman artist Neal Adams! TASCHEN's series on "DC Comics" explores the origins of comics' most enduring legends and the behind-the-scenes stories of the men who created them, era by era. Expanded from the Eisner Award-winning XL book, "75 Years of DC Comics", this new series hits the shelf at a reader friendly size with essays updated by author Paul Levitz and over 500 new images across five volumes. Thousands of covers and interiors, original illustrations, photographs, film stills, and collectibles have been reproduced using the latest technology to bring the story lines, the characters, and their creators to vibrant life, making this an invaluable reference for comics fans.


Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783836535762

EAN 9783836535762

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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