The silent war

the asteroid wars III

av (forfatter).

New English Library 2004 Heftet

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Martin Humphries, wealthy, ruthless and obsessed, has exiled his rival Lars Fuchs to the depths of space and taken Fuchs' wife, Amanda Cunningham, for his own. Now he rules space exploration almost unchallenged. But for Humphries, nothing short of total domination will ever be enough. Ha wants a son, and he wants Fuchs to die. He wants to control the moon, but another power is building its strength in secret, waiting for a chance to seize the Humphries empire.

Omtale fra forlaget

Martin Humphries, wealthy, ruthless and obsessed, has exiled his rival Lars Fuchs to the depths of space and taken Fuchs' wife, Amanda Cunningham, for his own. Now he rules space exploration almost unchallenged. But for Humphries, nothing short of total domination will ever be enough. Ha wants a son, and he wants Fuchs to die. He wants to control the moon, but another power is building its strength in secret, waiting for a chance to seize the Humphries empire.


Forlag New English Library

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340769638

EAN 9780340769638

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Sider 437

Utgave 1

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