The shape shifter

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2007 Heftet

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Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn is back in this mystery from America's legendary crime writer Tony Hillerman. Since his retirement from the Navajo Tribal Police, Joe Leaphorn has occasionally been enticed to return to work by his former colleagues, who seek his help in solving a particularly puzzling crime. They ask because Leaphorn, aided by Jim Chee and Bernie Manuelito, always delivers. But this time the problem is with one of his own cases - his 'last case', unsolved, and one that continues to haunt him. The original case involved a priceless Navajo rug that went missing. Now, years later, Leaphorn is picking up the threads of a crime he'd thought impossible to solve. "New York Times" bestselling author, Tony Hillerman is on top form in this atmospheric and riveting novel, set amid the rugged beauty of his beloved Southwest.

Omtale fra forlaget

Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn is back in this mystery from America's legendary crime writer Tony Hillerman. Since his retirement from the Navajo Tribal Police, Joe Leaphorn has occasionally been enticed to return to work by his former colleagues, who seek his help in solving a particularly puzzling crime. They ask because Leaphorn, aided by Jim Chee and Bernie Manuelito, always delivers. But this time the problem is with one of his own cases - his 'last case', unsolved, and one that continues to haunt him. The original case involved a priceless Navajo rug that went missing. Now, years later, Leaphorn is picking up the threads of a crime he'd thought impossible to solve. "New York Times" bestselling author, Tony Hillerman is on top form in this atmospheric and riveting novel, set amid the rugged beauty of his beloved Southwest.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780749080518

EAN 9780749080518

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Omtalt sted Utah New Mexico

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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