The shadow apocalypse

av (forfatter) og Glenn C. Nor (oversetter).

BoD - Books on Demand 2023 Heftet

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The world as we know it is about to end. In just four days, the world will come to a halt. The birds will continue to sing, and the sun will still rise in the east and set in the west, but humanity will cease to exist...

Special Agent Daniel Knight had just begun working at Aurora, a top-secret division of the FBI, when the first event occurred. A mysterious virus that traps its victims in a prison of their own body, leaving them dormant and unable to interact with the outside world, their muscles stiffening in the last moment they remember.

The wealthy and enigmatic preacher Seth Cole stands at the altar of a small church, proclaiming that humanity is facing God's wrath and that it is time to cleanse the world of sinners. He clasps his hands together as if in prayer, a ring with a shimmering blue crystal visible on his right hand. As his hands come together, the crystal begins to glow faintly. "Show your power," he commands. A blinding light flashes out across the hall, and everyone except for ten people vanishes, leaving only their ash behind. 483 people gone in an instant.

The clock is ticking down. Can Daniel and his team find the connection and devise a plan to prevent the end of the world before it is too late?

Tick, tick, tick...


Forlag BoD - Books on Demand

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788284510408

EAN 9788284510408

Genre Science fiction Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 371

Utgave 1

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