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2015 Heftet

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No. 1 bestselling memoir of Roy Keane, former captain of Manchester United and Ireland - co-written with Man Booker Prize-winner Roddy Doyle. Now updated with a new chapter, including Roy leaving Aston Villa and the Republic of Ireland's qualification for Euro 2016. In a stunning collaboration with Booker Prize-winning author Roddy Doyle, Roy Keane gives a brutally honest account of his last days as a player, the highs and lows of his managerial career, and his life as an outspoken ITV pundit. 'Roy Keane's book is a masterpiece ...It may well be the finest, most incisive deconstruction of football management that the game has ever produced' Mail on Sunday 'A genuine pleasure ...His thoughts on his players are humane, interesting, candid and never less than believable' The Times 'The best things are the small things: regretting joining Ipswich when he discovered the training kit was blue; refusing to sign Robbie Savage because his answerphone message was rubbish; being appalled that his side had listened to an Abba song before playing football' Evening Standard 'The book is brilliantly constructed, rattling along at breakneck speed ...full of self-deprecation ...a ruthless self-examination' Daily Telegraph


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781780228822

EAN 9781780228822

Omtalt person Roy Keane

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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