The Sámi, state subjugation and strategic interaction

individual mobility within multicultural networks

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Novus 2018 Innbundet

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Kjøp boka hos Akademika Kjøp boka hos

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During the second half of the 16th century, there were still no fixed borders drawn in northern Fennoscandia, but the surrounding states (Denmark-Norway, Sweden & the principality of Moscow) collected tax from the Sámi in a common taxation area. Merchants from the trading networks attached to these three states also met regularly with the Sámi, in order to buy demanded products from the Sámi, and furnish them with provisions. - How was this situation for the Sámi? Focusing upon the Sámi residing along the coast of Finnmark in Norway, and in the northernmost Sámi communities in present-day Sweden, this book investigates the economic profile, the trade connections and the mobility of the Sámi. Through a detailed analysis of the preserved Swedish tax records (1551-1600), this investigation also displays the diverse strategies applied by the Sámi, and shows how they made the best out of their position, and took advantage of the different value assessments in the various trading networks. Various kinds of mobility or migrations are also displayed: 1) Permanent resettling in other communities than where the taxpayer is first observed; 2) Seasonal mobility, as well as 3) mobility with subsequent stays or intervals at various sites.


Forlag Novus

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788270999163

EAN 9788270999163

Serie Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, Serie B, skrifter (170)

Omtalt tid 1500-tallet 1600-tallet

Omtalt sted Finnmark

Språk Engelsk

Sider 92

Utgave 1

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