The rough guide to Gran Canaria

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Rough Guides 2006 Heftet

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Packed with colour photographs and easy-to-use maps, this new addition to the compact Directions' series offers a comprehensive guide to Gran Canaria, from the stunning beaches and throbbing nightlife of the southern resorts to the history, culture and excitement of the cosmopolitan capital, Las Palmas, and from the wild and rocky west coast to the colonial towns of the island's north and the pristine beauty of the mountainous interior. Find inspiration in the extensive all-colour ideas section at the front of the book then delve into the book's nine chapters for detailed, area-by-area information on what the island has to offer, including up-to-date hotel and restaurant recommendations for all parts of the island, comprehensive and reliable entries on museums and attractions plus hot tips for the best of the island's nightlife. There's masses of helpful practical information including a Spanish glossary and menu reader that's adapted to Canarian, not mainland, Spanish.

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Packed with colour photographs and easy-to-use maps, this new addition to the compact Directions' series offers a comprehensive guide to Gran Canaria, from the stunning beaches and throbbing nightlife of the southern resorts to the history, culture and excitement of the cosmopolitan capital, Las Palmas, and from the wild and rocky west coast to the colonial towns of the island's north and the pristine beauty of the mountainous interior. Find inspiration in the extensive all-colour ideas section at the front of the book then delve into the book's nine chapters for detailed, area-by-area information on what the island has to offer, including up-to-date hotel and restaurant recommendations for all parts of the island, comprehensive and reliable entries on museums and attractions plus hot tips for the best of the island's nightlife. There's masses of helpful practical information including a Spanish glossary and menu reader that's adapted to Canarian, not mainland, Spanish.


Forlag Rough Guides

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781843535331

EAN 9781843535331

Serie The rough guide

Omtalt sted Gran Canaria

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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