The rough guide to Beijing

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Rough Guides 2004 Heftet

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This guide to historic city of Beijing brings its highlights to life from the latest hip nightspots to the Forbidden City. There are accounts of all the city's attractions and reliable, practical information on how to get around, where to stay and where to find the best restaurants and bars. The guide also includes detailed accounts of excursions outside the city to historic towns and hikes along the Great Wall. Each district is covered by a thoroughly researched and fully indexed map.

Omtale fra forlaget

This guide to historic city of Beijing brings its highlights to life from the latest hip nightspots to the Forbidden City. There are accounts of all the city's attractions and reliable, practical information on how to get around, where to stay and where to find the best restaurants and bars. The guide also includes detailed accounts of excursions outside the city to historic towns and hikes along the Great Wall. Each district is covered by a thoroughly researched and fully indexed map.


Forlag Rough Guides

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781843532422

EAN 9781843532422

Serie The rough guide

Omtalt sted Beijing

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 2

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