The Rosie result

av (forfatter).

Michael Joseph 2019 Heftet

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The Rosie Result is the triumphant final instalment of the internationally bestselling series that began with The Rosie Project.
'The phone call signalling an escalation in the Hudson Adjustment Problem came at 10:18 a.m. on a Friday morning . . .' Meet Don Tillman, the genetics professor with a scientific approach to everything. But he's facing a set of human dilemmas tougher than the trickiest of equations. Right now he is in professional hot water after a lecture goes viral; his wife of 4,380 days, Rosie, is about to lose the research job she loves; and - the most serious problem of all - their eleven-year-old son, Hudson, is struggling at school. He's a smart kid, but socially awkward-not fitting in. Fortunately, Don's had a lifetime's experience of not fitting in. And he's going to share the solutions with Hudson. He'll need the help of old friends and new, lock horns with the education system, and face some big questions about himself. As well as opening the world's best cocktail bar. Big-hearted, hilarious and exuberantly life-affirming, The Rosie Result is a story of overcoming life's obstacles with a little love and a lot of overthinking.


Forlag Michael Joseph

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780241388365

EAN 9780241388365

Serie Don Tillman (3)

Omtalt person Don Tillman

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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