The Roman-alphabet inscriptions of medieval Trondheim. Vol. I ; The Roman-alphabet inscriptions of medieval Trondheim. Vol. II, illustrations

av (forfatter) og Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Senter for middelalderstudier (utgiver).

Tapir akademisk forlag 2002 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

This book provides a full account of medieval inscriptions in the Roman alphabet from the city of Trondheim. Some 119 such inscriptions are currently preserved from the town, spanning a period from about 1150 to 1520; they are found on the wall of medieval churches, on various kinds of loose artefacts, and above all on gravestones. The major part of the book consists of a presentation of the various inscriptions with text, translation, and discussion of points of linguistic and historical interest; this is accompanied by a full photographic record of the material along with an introduction which attempts to bring together the most significant themes and problems inherent in it. With bibliography and index.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book provides a full account of medieval inscriptions in the Roman alphabet from the city of Trondheim. Some 119 such inscriptions are currently preserved from the town, spanning a period from about 1150 to 1520; they are found on the wall of medieval churches, on various kinds of loose artefacts, and above all on gravestones. Less attention has been paid to medieval Roman epigraphy in Norway than to runic inscriptions, but the corpus from Trondheim reveals many areas worthy of study. The ideas, influences, and modes of expression inherent in the actual texts reflect a further aspect of the Christianisation of Scandinavia in the Middle Ages, and the cultural influences at work in the period can also be identified in the art-styles and iconography of the decoration that is often found alongside. Attitudes towards religion, death, and social standing can be identified as well as the avenues through which ideas flowed into medieval Norway and fused into a distinctive local monumental tradition. The major part of the book consists of a presentation of the various inscriptions with text, translation, and discussion of points of linguistic and historical interest; this is accompanied by a full photographic record of the material along with an introduction which attempts to bring together the most significant themes and problems inherent in it.


Forlag Tapir akademisk forlag

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788251917896

EAN 9788251917896

Serie Senter for middelalderstudier. Skrifter (13)

Omtalt tid Middelalderen

Omtalt sted Trondheim

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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