The rise

black cooks and the soul of American food

av (forfatter), Osayi Endolyn (forfatter), Tamie Cook (medforfatter), Yewande Komoláfe (medforfatter) og Angie Mosier (foto).

Voracious, an imprint of Little, Brown and Company 2020 Innbundet

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This groundbreaking new cookbook from chef, bestselling author, and TV star Marcus Samuelsson celebrates contemporary Black cooking in 150 extraordinarily delicious recipes. It is long past time to recognize Black excellence in the culinary world the same way it has been celebrated in the worlds of music, sports, literature, film, and the arts. Black cooks and creators have led American culture forward with indelible contributions of artistry and ingenuity from the start, but Black authorship has been consistently erased from the story of American food. Now, in The Rise, chef, author, and television star Marcus Samuelsson gathers together an unforgettable feast of food, culture, and history to highlight the diverse deliciousness of Black cooking today. Driven by a desire to fight against bias, reclaim Black culinary traditions, and energize a new generation of cooks


Forlag Voracious, an imprint of Little, Brown and Company

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780316480680

EAN 9780316480680

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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