The proper care and feeding of husbands

what successful marriage is really about

av (forfatter).

HarperCollins 2004 Heftet

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The advice book for married couples is controversy. Some might say it's old fashioned advice, others say - like 'The Rules' - that it works, and helps couples get along better together. Dr Laura's tell-it-how-it-is relationships book looks at what isn't working in today's marriages and prescribes a new set of values and rules to help make love blossom and marriages work. She tells wives to stop whingeing and work harder at nurturing the family and loving their men and rewards will be duly reaped. A central theme is the three A's: appreciation, approval and affection - or showing your man you need, admire and desire him.

Omtale fra forlaget

The advice book for married couples is controversy. Some might say it's old fashioned advice, others say - like 'The Rules' - that it works, and helps couples get along better together. Dr Laura's tell-it-how-it-is relationships book looks at what isn't working in today's marriages and prescribes a new set of values and rules to help make love blossom and marriages work. She tells wives to stop whingeing and work harder at nurturing the family and loving their men and rewards will be duly reaped. A central theme is the three A's: appreciation, approval and affection - or showing your man you need, admire and desire him.


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007194490

EAN 9780007194490

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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