The program

how to find a husband after 30

a 15-step action plan using what I learned at Harvard Business School

av (forfatter).

Time Warner books 2004 Heftet

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Taking a different approach to relationships, this book shows how acclaimed business and marketing techniques can jump-start your dating life. Its simple, practical 15-point plan is designed to find your love match in 12 to 18 months. The author explains: how to excel in selling yourself; why home is a four-letter word; the secret to looking your personal best; why it's all about losing the attitude, not the pounds; why it's not what makes you great, it's what makes you different that counts. This is not a book about changing you, it's about changing what you do, from the smallest things - such as where you drink your morning coffee - you can make a big difference in finding The One.

Omtale fra forlaget

Taking a different approach to relationships, this book shows how acclaimed business and marketing techniques can jump-start your dating life. Its simple, practical 15-point plan is designed to find your love match in 12 to 18 months. The author explains: how to excel in selling yourself; why home is a four-letter word; the secret to looking your personal best; why it's all about losing the attitude, not the pounds; why it's not what makes you great, it's what makes you different that counts. This is not a book about changing you, it's about changing what you do, from the smallest things - such as where you drink your morning coffee - you can make a big difference in finding The One.


Forlag Time Warner books

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780751535587

EAN 9780751535587

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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