The Ownership of All Life

Notes on Scandals, Cons and Coverups

av (forfatter).

Truth Seeker 1999 pb

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Forlag Truth Seeker

Utgivelsesår 1999

Format pb

ISBN13 9780939040360

Språk English

Sider 116

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"What Is Behind Mega-Corporation and Their Activities?

the owning of life processes

av erfaren uavhengig etterforsker:

Jon Rappoport removes the mask from
gigantic corporate strategies
and reveals their underlying ambitions:

not only control of vast material power
but the owning of life processes themselves,
literally making the planet a commodity.

From media scandals to government collusion and cover-up,
from sterilization vaccines
to genetically engineered patented food crops,

from an epidemic of medical malpractice
resulting in widespread death to fraudulent AIDS research,

these notes provide a picture of global takeover by
modern pirates
whose front is complete respectability and concern for
human life. Read this expose"

Forfatterens blogg

"There are perfectly healthy people who are testing positive
for the virus because the test is irreparably flawed…

There are people on breathing ventilators who are being given
too much oxygen and too much pressure —
and their lungs collapse.
All these people are called “COVID cases. . .

Oops again. Cairns is saying the new test, if it reads positive,
might mean the person is infected now.
Or it might mean they were infected — and are now presumably immune.
Figuring out which is the challenge. No kidding.
It’s the difference between sick and healthy.
So a positive test result means the patient is sick OR healthy.

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