The new leaders

av (forfatter), Richard Boyatzis (forfatter) og Annie McKee (forfatter).

Time Warner books 2002 Heftet

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As business reinvents itself at broadband speed, what makes leaders effective has inevitably been transformed. Old assumptions and old modes no longer hold; a new style of leadership that works has emerged amidst the chaos of change. This new leader excels in the art of relationship - the singular expertise which the changing business climate renders indispensable. Excellence is being defined in interpersonal terms as companies have stripped out layers of managers, as corporations merge across national boundaries, and as customers and suppliers redefine the web of connection. Daniel Goleman argues that emotionally intelligent leaders are now "must-haves" for business. Many readers have been left with "So now what do I do?" and "The New Leaders" aims to answer that question by laying out the map for transforming leadership in individuals, in teams and organizations.

Omtale fra forlaget

As business reinvents itself at broadband speed, what makes leaders effective has inevitably been transformed. Old assumptions and old modes no longer hold; a new style of leadership that works has emerged amidst the chaos of change. This new leader excels in the art of relationship - the singular expertise which the changing business climate renders indispensable. Excellence is being defined in interpersonal terms as companies have stripped out layers of managers, as corporations merge across national boundaries, and as customers and suppliers redefine the web of connection. Daniel Goleman argues that emotionally intelligent leaders are now "must-haves" for business. Many readers have been left with "So now what do I do?" and "The New Leaders" aims to answer that question by laying out the map for transforming leadership in individuals, in teams and organizations.


Forlag Time Warner books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780751534368

EAN 9780751534368

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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