The Mythago cycle

volume 2

av (forfatter).

2007 Heftet

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Ryhope Wood: a tract of English woodland in the Herefordshire countryside wherein reside the creatures and configurations of ancient myth, the mythagos. In Ryhope Wood, ancient secrets and memories, both real and imaginery, take on physical form, from the Green Man and the Wild Hunt to Jason and Taliesen: heores made flesh - and yet unpredictable, for they change according to how mankind sees and thinks about them. And those who wander into the shadowed dephths of this ancient, primal woodland will never be the same again: they go in seeking adventure, or love, or family, but what they find in Ryhope Wood defies description and changes them for all time.

Omtale fra forlaget

Ryhope Wood: a tract of English woodland in the Herefordshire countryside wherein reside the creatures and configurations of ancient myth, the mythagos. In Ryhope Wood, ancient secrets and memories, both real and imaginery, take on physical form, from the Green Man and the Wild Hunt to Jason and Taliesen: heores made flesh - and yet unpredictable, for they change according to how mankind sees and thinks about them. And those who wander into the shadowed dephths of this ancient, primal woodland will never be the same again: they go in seeking adventure, or love, or family, but what they find in Ryhope Wood defies description and changes them for all time.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780575079724

EAN 9780575079724

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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